
Principal Investigator


Peter Lwigale, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Department of BioSciences

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Graduate Students


Matthew Garis

PhD candidate

Department of BioSciences

Project: Role of extracellular matrix during corneal development and adult homeostasis



Visiting Scientists


Dr. Eimi Suzuki (MD)

Department of Ophthalmology

Wakayama Medical School, JAPAN.

Project: Role of extracellular matrix during adult Cornea wound healing in mice.




Rocío Belén Marquez

Graduate Student

Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas (INTECH), Argentina.

Project: Role of miRNA during EMT/MET of neural crest cells during formation of the trigeminal ganglion.



Kamryn Gerner-Mauro

Graduate student

Baylor College of  Medicine

Project: branching morphogenesis of the lung. She is experienced in mouse lung development and has taken on a cross-species comparison project for her thesis. As a visiting student in the Lwigale Lab, she has been uncovering the morphological and molecular differences in lung branching morphogenesis between mice and chickens.







Evelyn Chiu

Department of BioSciences

Project: Role of extracellular matrix during corneal development





Lab Alumni